Innovation Hartford is committed to delivering high-quality, accurate, and insightful journalism that focuses on the intersection of business and technology in Hartford, CT. This editorial policy guides our standards and practices, ensuring our content is both trustworthy and valuable to our readers.
Accuracy and Integrity
We strive for accuracy in all our reporting. Our journalists and contributors are required to fact-check their content and verify the information through credible sources before publication. We are dedicated to transparency and will clearly distinguish between factual reporting and opinion or analysis pieces.
Mistakes can occur despite our best efforts. When errors are identified, we commit to correcting them promptly and transparently. Corrections will be noted at the bottom of articles to maintain the integrity of our content and the trust of our audience.
Editorial Independence
Innovation Hartford maintains strict editorial independence. Our content decisions are made without the influence of our funding sources or external pressures. We ensure that our editorial staff upholds the highest journalistic standards, free from undue influence from advertisers or other stakeholders.
Our journalists are required to identify their sources unless there is a justified reason to protect anonymity, such as personal safety or job security. We aim to rely on the most authoritative and informed sources, and we avoid conflicts of interest by maintaining a clear separation between our editorial content and any promotional activities.
Fairness and Impartiality
We are committed to fair and impartial reporting. Our articles are inclusive, considering multiple viewpoints, especially in complex or controversial issues. We strive to provide balanced coverage that reflects a wide range of perspectives, helping our readers make informed decisions.
Respect and Sensitivity
Our reporting is respectful and considerate, mindful of the impact our words can have on individuals and communities. We avoid sensationalism and strive for sensitivity in coverage involving personal hardship or tragedy.
Review and Updates
This editorial policy is reviewed annually to adapt to changing media landscapes and ensure it remains relevant and effective. Updates are made with careful consideration to uphold our commitment to high-quality journalism.
By adhering to these principles, Innovation Hartford aims to be a trusted source of business and technology news that not only informs but also enriches the community it serves.